Thursday, June 14, 2018

How to keep your eyes healthy and Which fruits are good for the eyes?

Don't take your eyes for granted.  Take these easy steps to keep your peepers healthy.

1. Eat Well

Healthy eyes start with food on your plate. Nutrients such as omega-3 fatty acids, lutein, zinc, and vitamin C and E may help overcome problems of age-related vision such as macular degeneration and cataract. To get them, fill out your plate:

  •  Green leafy vegetables such as spinach, black, and colored
  • .Fruit or juice of oranges and other lemons

2. Quit Smoking

This gives you more chances of cataract, damage to your optic nerve and macular decomposition among many other medical problems. If you have tried to kill the habit before starting again, then keep it. The more times you try to leave, the more likely you are to succeed. Ask your doctor for help.

3. Wear Sunglasses

The right pair of colors will help protect your eyes from the sun's ultraviolet (UV) rays. Too many UV exposure promotes the possibility of cataract and macular decomposition.

Choose a pair that blocks 99% to 100% of UVA and UVB rays. The wrapped lenses help in protecting your eyes from the side. Polarized lenses reduce the brightness when you drive.

4. Look away from the computer screen

Sticking to a computer or phone screen for a long time can be a problem:

  •    Eye strain
  •    Blurred vision
  •    Trouble concentrating at a distance
  •    Dry eyes
  •    Headache
  •    Neck, back, and shoulder pain


These foods are best for healthy eyes:

1.  Oranges

Vitamin C is the fruit of orange and other lemon, which is important for eye health. Vitamins are mainly found in fresh fruits and vegetables, contributes to healthy blood vessels in your eyes. It can counteract the development of cataract, and in combination with other vitamins and nutrients, macular decomposition related to age.

To enjoy orange, you can drink orange juice, peel in the form of a snack, or add them to a fruit salad.

2.  Avocados

Avacados are high in antioxidants, including Lutein and Zaxananthin. These nutrients are very important for eye health and reduce the risk of macular decomposition and cataract.

3.  Kiwi

Kiwi, nutrient-dense fruits are more than a delicious, healthy snack, with almost no fat and only 42 calories. By eating two to three KV daily, you may be protected from vision loss, including cataracts, and macular decomposition. Its mineral content also benefits your nervous system and circulation functions. This fruit connects well with other fruits in salad or smooth, and you can add it to salsa or your grain for extra nutrients.

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How to keep your eyes healthy and Which fruits are good for the eyes?

1 comment:

  1. Keeping your eyes healthy is necessary so that you can see properly and can visualize things around you.
